Sell Your Home “As Is”

We Buy “As Is” Homes For Cash

Local to Cape Cod and serving all of Massachusetts and beyond!

  • 01. Complete Online Form

    Fill out our online form with details about your property. It's quick, easy, and free.

  • 02. Receive a Cash Offer

    Within days, you'll receive a fair, no obligation cash offer for your home.

  • 03. Sell Your House Fast

    If you accept our offer, we close at a reputable local title company and you get cash in hand.

Any Home. Any Size. Any Condition

Simple Cash Home Sales

We understand that selling a home can be a stressful and time consuming process. Cash Buy Investments wants to make the process of selling your home as easy as possible for you. We make selling your Massachusetts home for cash quick and easy so you can focus on your next move.

  • We strive to provide you with a cash offer within 2 business days after you submit your property information through our online form.

  • Our team of experienced real estate professionals evaluate several factors, including the condition of your home, the location, and the current market trends in your area to make a fair and competitive offer.

  • No, we buy homes as is. There's no need for you to make any repairs or renovations. We handle all of that after the purchase.

  • No, there are no hidden fees or commissions when you sell your home to us. We cover most closing costs. The offer you receive is what you get.

  • Once you accept our offer, we typically can close the deal and get cash in your hand within 3 weeks. However, we can adjust the timeline based on your individual needs.

  • No, our offers come with absolutely no obligation. You are free to accept or decline the offer.

  • Yes, we work with homeowners in various financial situations, including those facing foreclosure. Selling your home quickly for cash can be a viable strategy to avoid foreclosure.

  • We buy all types of residential property. Whether it's a condo, a single-family home, a townhouse, or a multi-family home, we’re interested.

  • Yes, your privacy is our priority. All information shared with us will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purpose of providing you with a cash offer.

  • Don’t hesitate to contact our team. We're here to answer any questions and provide the support you need.

Quick Sale, No Hassle

Providing Hope for Homeowners

Selling your home can happen for many reasons. Whether it’s a debt or financial hardship, job relocation, or inheriting a property you don’t wish to maintain, Cash Buy Investments is here to help. We believe that selling your Massachusetts home shouldn’t be a burden. Our process is quick and easy so you can tie up loose ends and move on to your fresh start.

The Benefits of Selling Your Home For Cash

  • Need for a Quick Sale

    Traditional home sales can be time consuming, involving multiple showings, negotiations, and mortgage approvals. Cash sales provide a faster transaction, bypassing lengthy processes like if you need to sell your property swiftly due to impending foreclosure, divorce, or relocation.

  • Financial Hardship

    It’s not uncommon for homeowners to face unexpected financial difficulties, such as mounting debts, medical expenses, or job loss. Selling your home for cash provides relief. This solution allows you to access a lump sum quickly to address your other financial obligations.

  • Condition of the Property

    Selling a home that requires extensive repairs or renovations can be challenging in the traditional real estate market. Buyers may be hesitant to invest in a property that needs substantial work. Cash buyers, on the other hand, are often willing to purchase homes as is, eliminating the need for costly repairs and upgrades.

  • Realtor Fees & Commission

    When selling a home through a real estate agent, homeowners typically pay a commission based on the sale price. Additionally, there may be closing costs, appraisals, inspection fees, and other expenses. Selling for cash allows homeowners to avoid these fees and keep the full amount of the agreed upon price.

  • Convenient & Simple

    Cash sales offer convenience and simplicity. Sellers can skip the time consuming tasks of staging their home, coordinating showings, and dealing with potential buyer negotiations. Selling for cash eliminates the uncertainties and complexities associated with financing contingencies, appraisals, and mortgage approvals.

  • Investment Opportunity

    If you have identified an attractive investment opportunity or want to capitalize on a limited time opportunity, we can offer the solutions. Missed opportunities can be disappointing. Selling your current home for cash enables you to quickly access funds for your own investment purposes.